F RITHJOF   S CHUON   A rchive

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Selected Books by
Frithjof Schuon

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A Resource On Frithjof Schuon's Life & Teachings
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About this site

The Frithjof Schuon Archive constitutes the most comprehensive repository of material pertaining to Schuon’s life and work, including published articles, personal correspondence, private papers, poems, photographs, and works of art. This site also contains archival information related to the "Perennialist School", of which Schuon was the preeminent exponent. Various summaries of information and different archives allow readers to view the depth and breadth of Schuon’s life and corpus from different points of view.

And, no one translation is adequate to convey the nuance and depth of meaning in the original languages. Reasonable minds often differ regarding the best translation, yet it is not possible to print the same material in multiple translations. This archive therefore preserves multiple translations of the same document in several instances, thus allowing readers to form their own opinions.

About Us

World Wisdom, Inc. holds copyrights to the majority of Schuon’s works, is the owner of the statutory Rights of Publicity to his likeness, and is the archivist for Schuon’s corpus. Inquiries should be directed to:

World Wisdom, Inc.
P.O. Box 2682
Bloomington, Indiana 47402-2682

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Archivist’s Note:
Different archives throughout the site use either a short or medium length abbreviation. This table notes the different editions of each book. References to different editions of the same book are cited if a document appears in only one of the editions.

ShortMediumFull Title & Different Editions
A/SM Adastra Adastra & Stella Maris: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (bilingual edition) (2003)
ASPArt from SacredArt from the Sacred to the Profane: East and West, ed. Catherine Schuon (2007)
AL&RAutumn LeavesAutumn Leaves & The Ring: Poems by Frithjof Schuon
CRCastes & Races Castes and Races (1982)
CIChristianity/Islam Christianity/Islam: Perspectives on Esoteric Ecumenism (1985, 2007)
DIDimensions Dimensions of Islam (1970)
EchPWEchoes Echoes of Perennial Wisdom (1992)
EPWEsoterismEsoterism as Principle and as Way (1981, 1990)
EFSEssential FSEssential Frithjof Schuon, The, ed. Seyyed Hossein Nasr (1986, 2005)
EHEye of the HeartEye of the Heart, The (1997)
FSFeathered SunFeathered Sun, The: Plains Indians in Art and Philosophy (1990)
FSRForm / SubstanceForm and Substance in the Religions (2002)
FDHDivine to HumanFrom the Divine to the Human (1982)
FGFullness of GodFullness of God, The: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity, ed. J. Cutsinger (2004)
GDWGnosis Gnosis: Divine Wisdom (1959, 1978, 1990, 2006)
GTGuiding ThoughtsGuiding Thoughts for Meditation on the Real (2007)
IMPBImages Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty: Paintings by Frithjof Schuon (1992)
IFAFace of AbsoluteIn the Face of the Absolute (1989, 1994)
LSLanguage of SelfLanguage of the Self (1959, 1999)
LAWLight on WorldsLight on the Ancient Worlds (1965, 1984, 2006)
LT Logic &TranscLogic and Transcendence (1975, 1984)
PM Play of MasksPlay of Masks, The (1992)
PFMPrayer FashionsPrayer Fashions Man: FS on the Spiritual Life, ed. J. Cutsinger (2005)
RGORG: ObservationsRené Guénon: Some Observations, ed. William Stoddart (2004)
RHRoad to HeartRoad to the Heart: Poems (1995)
RHCRoots Roots of the Human Condition (1991, 2002)
SPHFSP & HFSpiritual Perspectives and Human Facts (1954, 1970, 1987, 2007)
SWStationsStations of Wisdom (1961, 1980, 1995)
SCRStudiesStudies in Comparative Religion
SVQSufism: VQSufism: Veil and Quintessence (1981, 2006)
SMESurvey M & ESurvey of Metaphysics and Esoterism (1986, 2000)
SGSwordSword of Gnosis (1974)
THCHave a CenterTo Have a Center (1990)
TURTransc UnityTranscendent Unity of Religions, The (1953, 1984)
TMTransfigurationTransfiguration of Man, The (1995)
TBTreas of BuddhTreasures of Buddhism (In the Tracks of Buddhism) (1968, 1989, 1993)
SSTSongs for STSongs for a Spiritual Traveler: Selected Poems (bilingual edition) (2002)
SWNSongs I-VISongs without Names, Volumes I-VI: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (2006)
SWNSongs VII-XIISongs without Names, Volumes VII-XII: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (2006)
SJSophiaSophia: The Jurnal of Traditional Studies
UIUnderst IslamUnderstanding Islam (1963, 1972, 1986, 1998)
UTUnan TradUnanimous Tradition, ed. By Ranjit Fernando (1991)
WWWW I-IIIWorld Wheel, Volumes I-III: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (2006)
WWWW IV-VIIWorld Wheel, Volumes IV-VII: Poems by Frithjof Schuon (2006)


A&UAllen & Unwin AHAmity House
AsiaJournal of Asian StudiesAVLAvaloka
AWArab WorldCMSCosmology and Modern Science
CrssrdCrossroad PressF&FFaber & Faber
FTSFoundation for Traditional StudiesGANGanesh
H&RHarper & Row IPQInternational Philosophical Quarterly
ITSInstitute of Traditional StudiesIQIslamic Quarterly
JMJohn MurrayJORJournal of Oriental Research
KKKalyana KalpatoruLuzacGeorge Luzac & Co.
MuWMuslim WorldMiWThe Middle Way
PBPerennial BooksPNGNPenguin
PRBLParabolaQuestQuest Books
RSTReligious Studies & TheologySSShankara and Shanmata
StudiesStudies in Comparative ReligionSUNYState University of New York Press
WIFPWorld of Islam Festival Publishing Co.
WWWorld Wisdom

Terms of Use / Copyrights

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Press Room

Information of interest to the press on the recently published editions of Frithjof Schuon's work can be found in the World Wisdom Press Room. For more information or special needs, please contact director@worldwisdom.com.

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